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no hitting on the knees or below

2 blitz every first down

no redos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one set running back is no free blitz 2 set running backs is a free blitz

must wear sneakers or kleats

Must where a shirt

no spik jewlery, crosses allowed but must be under shirt, small earings

only five players on the feild

up to 7 players on a team

only 3 timeouts a half

4 seven minute quaters

allowed to celerbrate but no taunting

No backward laterals unless behind the line of scrimmage

count 5 mississippi seconds until free blitz

15 second qb throw clock

25 second play clock

Cold Shoulders allowed but once you hit the ground it is a pentilty

only the 2 team captians may talk to the refs about calls and can only call time out

kickoffs are set ball


TD will Count as  7 points

Feild Goals can be kicked place kick or drop kick

safties are worth 2 points feild goals are 3

Three captins go out for coin toss

Away team calls it

home team wears colors and away teams wears white

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The X-Treme Football League